East House 6th Form 1961
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Back row: Roger Rowell, David Curson, David Blanch, John Case, Keith Swetman, NK, David Cole, David Fox
3rd row:
Robert Attoe, Malcolm Makins, William Hurren, Peter Canham, Chris "Stack" Morris, Paul Fox, John Mayes, Trevor Palmer, Paul Rump
2nd row:
  Graham Causton, Gerald Gunton, Terence Lake, Angela Monsey, Jackie Warren, Felicity Dyson, Raymond Smith, NK, John Lowton
Front row:
Christine Vincent, Margaret Rix, Lesley Kirby, Ann -------, Mary Wilson (?), Muriel Davie, Jennifer Griffin (?), Mary Hancy, NK, Jean Fulcher

 Contents The Gallery Houses - 1960s East 6th Form 1961